The Effects of Implementing the 7E Learning Cycle Model on Cloud to promote Science Communication and Writing Ability among High School Students under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation


  • Sujika Ngamsa-ard Chulalongkorn university demonstration secondary school, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University


Science communication, 7E Learning cycle model, cloud


This research aims to: 1) study the science communication and writing abilities of high school students after learning through the 7E learning cycle model on a cloud platform, and 2) compare the science communication and writing ability of students before, during, and after learning through the 7E learning cycle model on a cloud platform. The samples consisted of 30 tenth-grade students at a university demonstration school selected using purposive sampling.The research instruments included lesson plans utilizing the 7E learning cycle model on a cloud platform, and science communication and writing ability assessment forms. The collected data were analyzed using arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA. The results of this research are summarized as follows: 1) After the experiment, the student’s abilities in science communication and writing ability were determined to be at a good level, with every component found to be at a good level. Language proficiency achieved the highest average score, followed by the content, style, context and representation. 2)The students’ science communication and writing ability were higher than before the experiment at the .05 level of significance, and the student’s abilities in science communication and writing ability were higher than the second in-process evaluation, the first in-process evaluation, and before the experiment.



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How to Cite

Ngamsa-ard, S. (2024). The Effects of Implementing the 7E Learning Cycle Model on Cloud to promote Science Communication and Writing Ability among High School Students under the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation. Journal of Education Studies, 52(2), EDUCU5202008 (13 pages). Retrieved from