The Development of Learning Management Using the ADDIE Model to Enhance Strong Citizen Capacity Through a Capacity Curriculum in Lower Secondary School Students (S3) Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission


  • พิมพ์ตะวัน จันทัน -


the development of learning management use the ADDIE model, strong citizen capacity, lower secondary school students (S3)


The aims were to 1) study specific behaviors of active citizens in competency-based education, 2) develop learning management using the ADDIE model to enhance strong citizen capacity, and 3) study the effectiveness of learning management. This research used a curriculum development method. The sample used in the research consisted of 10 social studies teachers and 30 lower secondary school students (S3) and survey research with a selection of volunteers. The methodologies used were surveys and in-depth interviews. The data analysis used statistical data to produce means and percentages, keyword analysis. From the results, it was found that 1) the behaviors of active citizens in competency-based education were being responsible, respecting one’s own and others' rights, respecting the rules and laws, critical social participation, and respecting the diversity of people in society; and 2) learning management of active citizens had three steps, which were as follows: Step 1: Awaken the power of awareness; Step 2: Praise good citizens; and Step 3: Find ways to build discipline to create a modern society based on equality, After the trial, it was observed that the behavioral indicators post-study had shown an improvement.



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How to Cite

จันทัน พ. (2024). The Development of Learning Management Using the ADDIE Model to Enhance Strong Citizen Capacity Through a Capacity Curriculum in Lower Secondary School Students (S3) Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201015 (13 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.15. Retrieved from