Effects of Enhancing the Design Thinking Abilities of Preschoolers by Using a Three-Dimensional Creative Arts Activities Organized with the Loose Parts Concept


  • สมฤทัย ศิริบุญชู Burapha University
  • Siraprapa Phruittikul Faculty of Education Burapa University
  • Chaweng Sonboon Faculty of Education Burapa University


a three-dimensional creative arts activity, loose parts concept, the design thinking abilities, preschoolers


The purposes of this research were to: (1) study the effectiveness index of lesson plans using three-dimensional creative arts activities organized with the loose parts concept, and
(2) compare the design thinking abilities of preschool children before and after the experiment. The research participants consisted of 20 preschoolers aged 4-5 years by cluster random sampling. Each 45-minute experimental session was executed five times a week for a total period of six weeks. The lesson plans were implemented through four main phases: 1) a warm-up and problem-definition scenario, 2) exploration and goal-setting, 3) implementation of activities and creation of artwork, and 4) summary and reflection. The research instrument used was a lesson plan of three-dimensional creative arts activities organized with the loose parts concept and a performance rubric for the preschoolers’ design thinking abilities. Statistical analyzed using an effectiveness index, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The major findings were as follows: 1) the effectiveness index of the lesson plans was equal to 0.7099, indicating that the participants showed a 70.99 percent improvement in their design thinking abilities; and 2) the design thinking abilities of preschoolers after the experiment were significantly higher than before the experiment at the .05 level of significance. The results of this research indicate that using a three-dimensional creative arts activities organized with the loose parts concept can enhance the design thinking abilities of preschoolers.



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How to Cite

ศิริบุญชู ส., Phruittikul, S., & Sonboon, C. (2024). Effects of Enhancing the Design Thinking Abilities of Preschoolers by Using a Three-Dimensional Creative Arts Activities Organized with the Loose Parts Concept . Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201014 (17 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.14. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/266557