Learning Management Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) with Graphic Organizers to Develop English Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 3 Students


  • Fatin Hayihama Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • ๋ีJuraisiri Choorak Faculty of Education Songkhla Rajabhat University
  • Nisita Rittapirom Songkhla Rajabhat University


learning management, Murdoch integrated approach (MIA), graphic organizer, English reading comprehension ability, grade 3 student


The purposes of this research were to: 1) compare the students’ English reading comprehension abilities between before and after learning management, 2) compare the students’ English reading comprehension abilities after learning management with the criteria of 70%, and 3) study the students’ satisfaction on learning management based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) with graphic organizers. The sample group is comprised of 26 grade 3 students at Thesaban 3 (Wat Sala Huayang) in the first semester of the academic year 2023, by using cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of 1) 5 lesson plans in English subject, unit 2 My hometown, the topic is Places, 2) an English reading comprehension ability test, 4 Multiple choices, 20 questions. and 3) the students’ satisfaction questionnaire, It is a roughly 5-point Likert scale. The statistics used in the data analysis were mean (M), standard deviation (SD), and t-test.

The results of this research showed that: 1) the English reading comprehension abilities of students after learning management based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) with graphic organizers was higher than before learning management with statistically significant  at the .05 level, 2) the English reading comprehension abilities of students after learning management was higher than the criteria of 70% with statistically significant at the .05 level, and 3) the students’ satisfaction on learning management was at a high level.



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How to Cite

Hayihama, F., Choorak ๋., & Rittapirom, N. (2024). Learning Management Based on Murdoch Integrated Approach (MIA) with Graphic Organizers to Develop English Reading Comprehension Ability of Grade 3 Students. Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201013 (15 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.13. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/266291