Development of an Instructional Process Based on Active Learning and Systemic Thinking to Enhance Innovative Creation Ability of Undergraduate Students


  • krissada worapin -


innovative creation ability, active learning, systemic thinking


This research aimed to 1) develop active learning instruction and systematic thinking process; 2) compare innovation creativity of undergraduate students before and after experiment; 3) study progress in innovation creativity of undergraduate students in control group. The study was divided into two phrases: a phase for the development of the instructional process and a phase to evaluate the developed instructional process. The sample group consisted of 30 undergraduate Mathematics students in the third year of semester 1 of academic year 2023 bachelor's degree program selected by purposive sampling. The tool used for data collection was an assessment form on creative innovation. The results showed that: 1) The developed instructional process was composed
of 5 steps; presenting the learning scenario, designing self-learning, joining groups for learning exchange, creating works from learning, and evaluating and applying the learning; 2) participating undergraduate students had higher creative innovation ability after the experiment at the .05 level of significance; 3) participating undergraduate students they improved their creative innovative ability better every week.



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How to Cite

worapin, krissada. (2023). Development of an Instructional Process Based on Active Learning and Systemic Thinking to Enhance Innovative Creation Ability of Undergraduate Students. Journal of Education Studies, 51(4), EDUCU51040013 (14 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.40. Retrieved from