Developing an Educational Board Game to Teach Fossil Excavation Skills and Describe Vertebrate Fossil Sites in Thailand


  • Chalida Joongpan Faculty of learning sciences and education, Thammasat University


educational board game, palaeontology, palaeontological education, fossil locality, excavation skill


This study aims to investigate how students learn from playing "Fossil War," a board game designed for undergraduate and graduate students studying Paleontology. It aims to develop skills in excavating vertebrate fossils before fieldwork. Conducted from January to April 2023, the research involved 12 undergraduate and graduate participants. Data were collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The results highlight three key areas of learning from the game: 1) proficiency in managing fossil excavation and exploration, 2) knowledge of vertebrate fossil sites in Thailand, and 3) understanding of paleontological methodologies. These findings contribute to the potential integration of "Fossil War" into classrooms as an educational tool, enriching students' learning experiences.



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How to Cite

Joongpan, C. . (2024). Developing an Educational Board Game to Teach Fossil Excavation Skills and Describe Vertebrate Fossil Sites in Thailand. Journal of Education Studies, 52(2), EDUCU5202002 (13 pages). Retrieved from