Metaverse Historicovator for History Learning Media to Promote Self-Directed Learning in The Bani Era


  • Racchaneekorn Hongphanut Chulalongkorn University


history learning media, metaverse, self-directed learning, BANI era


This academic article aims to promote students' independent study of history through historical innovation design. "Metaverse Historicovator" is a breakthrough innovation for the new period in which
the world of BANI is causing difficulties with learning loss and problematic conditions that affect learners' emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and disorientation. This historical invention was developed following the processes of self-learning and applied to two sample groups: 220 students from 13 faculties of Chulalongkorn University, and 225 teachers and educators from 10 secondary schools in Thailand.
The findings from the implementation of historical innovations, history learning media "Metaverse Historicovator," demonstrated that teachers and students were highly and extremely satisfied with it.
As a result of scientifically innovative historical media, "Metaverse Historicovator," which combines knowledge, curiosity, and entertainment, teachers and students were able to learn autonomously and lessen the negative emotional state of the BANI world through the use of historical learning tools that bridge the real world and the virtual one.

Author Biography

Racchaneekorn Hongphanut, Chulalongkorn University

   Lecturer of Teaching Social Studies, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University



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How to Cite

Hongphanut, R. (2023). Metaverse Historicovator for History Learning Media to Promote Self-Directed Learning in The Bani Era. Journal of Education Studies, 51(2), EDUCU5102008 (15 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.17. Retrieved from