An Analysis of Improvisation Contents and Teaching Approach in Piano Method Books for Beginner Students


  • Nichkamol Jindawat Chulalongkorn University
  • Dneya Udtaisuk


improvisation, piano student, the piano method book, improvisation workbook


The purposes of this study were to analyze improvisation contents and teaching approaches in piano methodology books and activity books for beginner students.
The research methodology employed qualitative research by using documentary analysis collected three method books and activity books including 1) Improvisation Workbook G.9 2) Performance Jams and 3) The Penta Adventure. The qualitative data analysis and content analysis revealed two topics 1) content: music elements, focus of the content, and the order of teaching 2) teaching approach: facilitating cognitive ability and creativity. Findings were presented according to the two types of approaches: the first one focuses on melodic improvisation and the second that focuses on harmonic improvisation. 



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How to Cite

Jindawat, N., & Udtaisuk, D. (2024). An Analysis of Improvisation Contents and Teaching Approach in Piano Method Books for Beginner Students. Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201005 (17 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.5. Retrieved from