Needs Assessment of Teachers’ Instructional Video Production Ability


  • Narin Nonthamand University of Phayao


needs assessment, video production ability, teacher


The purposes of this study were to explore whether teachers in Phayao needed to enhance their ability to produce instructional videos and to identify the problems and obstacles this group of teachers faced in producing instructional videos. The samples in this study consisted of 359 teachers working in educational institutions under the supervision of different agencies in Phayao. The data were collected using a survey on the need for promoting teachers’ instructional video production abilities, and a modified Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) was employed to analyze the collected data. In addition, the problems and obstacles the teachers faced in producing instructional videos were determined using content analysis of the answers to the open-ended survey questions.

The results of the needs analysis showed that the most urgent need in teacher development concerning instructional video production was video delivery, followed by the ability to develop and design instructional videos. In terms of the problems and obstacles most frequently encountered in producing instructional videos, the teachers in Phayao lacked the basic knowledge of video production and the ability to shoot and design instructional videos, respectively.

Author Biography

Narin Nonthamand, University of Phayao

Lecturer in Division of Department of Educational Technology, School of Education, University of Phayao



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How to Cite

Nonthamand, N. (2023). Needs Assessment of Teachers’ Instructional Video Production Ability. Journal of Education Studies, 51(2), EDUCU5102003 (12 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.12. Retrieved from