A Comparison of Thailand’s Teacher Licensing System with Overseas Systems


  • Dhirapat Kulophas Chulalongkorn University
  • Panya Akkaraputtapong Chulalongkorn University


teacher preparation system, teacher license, comparative study


Thailand appears to have problems with its teacher licensing system, which has impacted the quality of teachers entering the profession. This study aimed to compare the system operating in Thailand with the teacher licensing systems of selective countries namely Japan, Ireland, and Australia; which have high levels of PISA results, different education contexts, and accessible information. The researchers applied
a qualitative methodology through document study and analyzed the data using concept-driven and data-driven coding. The findings revealed several differences between Thailand’s licensing system and the selective countries’ systems in terms of the input, process, output, and feedback. These differences included teacher licensing examinations, types and levels of teacher licenses, license renewal regulations, and stakeholders’ feedback. Thailand’s policy makers should divide the license into categories and quality levels, revise the license renewal criteria, improve the complaint investigation process, and develop
a process to inspect the license holders’ teaching competence.




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How to Cite

Kulophas, D., & Akkaraputtapong, P. (2023). A Comparison of Thailand’s Teacher Licensing System with Overseas Systems. Journal of Education Studies, 51(1), EDUCU5101007 (15 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2023.7. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/259218