Student Affairs Administration Strategies to Enhance Global Citizenship of Secondary School under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen


  • Jomtrai Thanso Khon Kaen University
  • Dawruwan Thawinkarn Khon Kaen University


strategies, student affairs administration, global citizenship


This study aims to survey the current and desired conditions and requirements, as well as to present strategies, for student affairs administration promoting global citizenship. The samples include 79 school directors or deputy directors and 406 teachers from the Secondary Educational Service Area Office in Khon Kaen, for a total of 485 participants. Stratified random sampling was employed to collect the samples. The research instruments consisted of questionnaires with a reliability value of 0.901, and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the collected data and semi – structured Interview. The results indicate that the current status of student affairs administration for global citizenship is satisfactory, with an overall average score of 3.83. The average score of all desirable conditions for Student Affairs for Global Citizenship is 4.74, which represents the highest level. The greatest requirement of managing student affairs for global citizenship was community participation in developing global citizens (PNlModified = 0.305). In addition, the results demonstrated that strategies for student affairs services for global citizenship consist of four main strategies: (1) encouraging students to participate in school activities; (2) changing the paradigm for learners to reflect on their work; (3) solving problems corresponding to 21st century skills; and (4) creating a forum for local learning integration.

Author Biographies

Jomtrai Thanso, Khon Kaen University

Graduate Student in Educational Administration Division, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University  

Dawruwan Thawinkarn, Khon Kaen University

Lecturer of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University 



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How to Cite

Thanso, J., & Thawinkarn, D. (2022). Student Affairs Administration Strategies to Enhance Global Citizenship of Secondary School under The Secondary Educational Service Area Office Khon Kaen. Journal of Education Studies, 50(4), EDUCU5004002 (13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2022.31. Retrieved from