Innovation Teaching Series to Promote Speaking Thai for Ethnic Students


  • Pongsakorn Sommit Chiang Rai Rajabhat University


ethnic group students, teaching series, ability to speak Thai


The objectives of this research were 1) to create an innovative teaching package called “Audio book Thai accent” to promote Thai speaking to students of different ethnic groups, 2) to study the results from using the teaching package to teach students of different ethnic groups, and 3) to assess the satisfaction of these students using the teaching package. The target group consisted of 20 students from a variety of ethnic groups who experience several problems with speaking Thai. The group consisted of 5 students from the Lahu, Akha, Pga K'nyau, and Hmong ethnic groups, who share problems with speaking Thai initial consonants, vowels, final consonants, tones, and diphthongs. The research instruments were 1) a Thai Speaking Ability Test, 2) the “Audio book Thai accent” Teaching Innovation Series, and 3) a form for assessing the students’ satisfaction with the teaching package. The results of the study resulted in the design of the “Audio book Thai accent”, consisting of 5 practice sets, namely (1) a set of training organs on Thai pronunciation, (2) a set to practice speaking Thai from words, (3) a set to practice speaking Thai from sentences, (4) a set to practice speaking Thai from words from local stories, and (5) Thai speaking assessment kits. The study found that 1) the efficiency of the package was 82.80/86.00, 2) the students’ ability to speak Thai after using the package improved with an average increase in score of 25.75 percent, and 3) the students were satisfied with the use of the package at the most levels.

Author Biography

Pongsakorn Sommit, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University

Lecturer of Thai Division, Faculty of Education, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University 



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How to Cite

Sommit, P. (2022). Innovation Teaching Series to Promote Speaking Thai for Ethnic Students. Journal of Education Studies, 50(4), EDUCU5004004 (14 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2022.33. Retrieved from