A Comparative of Knowledge Absorption Capacity of School Administrators as Perceived by Teachers in School under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office
knowledge absorption, knowledge absorption capacity, school administratorsAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study and compare the knowledge absorption capacity of school administrators as perceived by teachers in schools under the Bangkok Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The study employed a survey research design with samples consisting of 305 teachers in the academic year 2021. The samples were categorized by using the Cohen’ sample sizes which were selected by stratified random sampling. The instrument was a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.989. Mean, standard deviation, t-test, One-way ANOVA, and Scheffé’s multiple comparison method were used to analyze the data. The findings were as follows: 1) the results of knowledge absorption capacity of school administrators was at high level, considering each dimension of the opinion, all of them were also at high level; and 2) teachers at different levels of education and academic titles had different perceptions toward knowledge absorption capacity of school administrators statistically at the significant level of .05. By levels of education, teachers with a graduate degree or above had higher perception levels than those with a bachelor’s degree. By academic titles, senior professional teachers (K 3 teachers) had higher perception level than practitioner teachers (K 1 teachers) and the professional teachers (K 2 teachers) had higher perception level than practitioner teachers (K 1 teachers). There was no significant differences found among teachers in schools of different sizes and original affiliations.
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