Design a Digital Multimodal User Interface for Senior Citizens


  • Parwapun Kamtab King Mongkut’s University of Technology North
  • Theerapong Wiriyanon King Mongkut’s University of Technology North



multimodal user interface, digital technology, senior citizens


The purposes of this research were to 1) design a digital multimodal user interface for senior citizens, and 2) evaluate the usability of multimodal this design. The sample used for this study consisted of 25 persons aged 60 years or older selected via purposive sampling. The research instruments included a web application for elderly citizens isolated due to COVID-19 as an experimental tool along with a usability assessment. The data were tested for normality and analyzed using tests for mean and standard deviation. The study was divided into two major phases: phase 1, which was related to the design of the user interface, and phase 2, which related to the usability evaluation of the interface. The findings of the study revealed that 1) the quality of the multimodal user interface design, through web application performance testing, was found to be at the highest level; the components of the user interface included graphic, touch, and voice user interfaces; and 2) the usability of the interface was found to perform at the highest level (M=4.57, SD=0.50)

Author Biographies

Parwapun Kamtab, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North

Lecturer in Department of Education Technology and Information, Faculty of Technical Education, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North

Theerapong Wiriyanon, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North

Lecturer in Department of Education Technology and Information, Faculty of Technical Education, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North  



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How to Cite

Kamtab, P., & Wiriyanon, T. (2022). Design a Digital Multimodal User Interface for Senior Citizens. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 50(1), EDUCU5001005.