The Development of Conceptual Transferability of Grade 8 Student in the Topic of Solutions Using Context - Based Learning


  • Ekgapoom Jantarakantee Kasetsart University
  • Yanisa Subsin Kasetsart University
  • Yaowadi Jannamom Satrinonthaburi School


context-based learning, conceptual transferability, solutions


The purposes of this classroom action research were to: 1)develop students’ conceptual transferability about solutions using context-based learning and 2)find the best practice to develop conceptual transferability in the topic of solutions using context-based learning. The research participants were 30 grade 8students in a girl’s school of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Nonthaburi. The data were collected from 1) conceptual transferability test, 2) teacher’s journal, 3) advisor’s supervision journal, and 4) student’s semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results showed that the students had conceptual transferability for each component at a variety of levels. The component of understanding the concept and deciding to apply the concept was developed to a good level, but the component which required the students to link concept in a new situation was developed to a fair level. The study showed that the best practices to develop conceptual transferability in the topic of solutions using context-based learning were: 1) integrating misconceptions into the situation on setting focal event step for promoting students’ suspicion and leading them to investigate further; 2) Using an online laboratory accompanied with probing questions to promote understanding of
a scientific concept, and link the knowledge to other similar situations; 3) Teaching sequentially from the concrete concepts to abstract concepts; 4)Using daily situations accompanied by storytelling to encourage the students to apply their knowledge further in similar situations using the reasoning developed from learned concepts.

Author Biographies

Ekgapoom Jantarakantee, Kasetsart University

Lecturer in Department of Education, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University

Yanisa Subsin, Kasetsart University

Undergraduate Student in Department of Education Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University

Yaowadi Jannamom, Satrinonthaburi School

Practitioner Level in Department of science and technology Satrinonthaburi School


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How to Cite

Jantarakantee, E., Subsin, Y., & Jannamom, Y. (2021). The Development of Conceptual Transferability of Grade 8 Student in the Topic of Solutions Using Context - Based Learning. Journal of Education Studies, 49(4), EDUCU4904018 (13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.77. Retrieved from