Modern Learning Management


  • Thanyawongse, S. Niramon Kindergarten


learning management, modern, instruction


Technology development has got a leap forward, which affects almost every part in manufacturing industry, public health services, and education. The significant issues to develop Thai education to achieve the goal of Thailand 4.0 are to teach students how to think, analyze, have life skills and solve problems. This article presents a modern learning management, which is an appropriate teaching method for present technology and socioeconomic status. It mainly focuses on students’ interests in content with the use of media in forms of games or simulators. This can arouse students’ through the use of "What if" questions and encourage students to create online social group for those who have same interests of study topics. Furthermore, learning method with the use of constraints or goal-setting principle can enable students to practice problem management skills and open up possibilities for new perspectives.

Author Biography

Thanyawongse, S., Niramon Kindergarten

Niramon Kindergarten Manager


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How to Cite

Thanyawongse, S. (2021). Modern Learning Management. Journal of Education Studies, 49(3), EDUCU4903019 (12 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.58. Retrieved from