Moral Principles of Buddhism in School Administration


  • Boonprasert, S. Kirakira Kids International Kindergarten School


moral principles of Buddhism, school administration


This article proposes an educational innovation called “Moral Principles of Buddhism in School Administration". Its objective is to prepare a learning atmosphere and environment for those participating in educational management along with students based on the foundation of mind and the happiness of life. This is related to the principle of "4 sacred objects", namely Generosity, Kind Speech, Useful Conduct, and Equality or Impartiality.The objectives are to create atmosphere that facilitates effective teamwork and create an environment and atmosphere that is conducive to children’s learning. It does this by encouraging integrated learning by combining the Thai learning foundation with international science and knowledge developed from within. The goal is to create a clear identity of the Thai people with a strong root in language and culture and to be an important force in the development of the Thai nation for stability, wealth, and sustainability under the new landscape of the world. This goal conforms with the drive of the education roadmap to prepare Thailand to become a first world country under Thai 4.0.


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How to Cite

Boonprasert, S. . (2021). Moral Principles of Buddhism in School Administration. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902018 (11 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.39. Retrieved from