The Quality Assessment of Basic Education by Using the Standardized Test for 7th Grade Final Exam 2018


  • Chutinuntakul, S. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University



quality assessment, basic education, standardized test, 7th grade


This research aimed to assess learning achievement using seventh grade standardized final exam test of academic year 2018 in Thai language, Mathematics, science, and English language department. The data were collected from 442,847 students sample group. The results indicated that students’ average scores in Thai language were the highest (44.35 percent), followed by science (38.71 percent). For the assessment of these two majorities of the students were at ‘average’ level, followed by ‘good’. For the assessment of the Mathematics and English language department, the students were at ‘average’ level, followed by ‘to be improved’. The assessment results categorized by each department suggested that students under the Office of Higher Education Commission scored the highest in the Thai language, science, and English language. However, students under the National Office of Buddhism scored the highest in Mathematics. When considering the school size, students from the extra-large size schools had the highest average scores in every department, but those from the small size schools had the lowest average scores. Considering the test format, most students scored the highest in complex multiple-choice test, and the lowest in short answer and extended response tests. The reliability of all learning areas was 0.75, except Mathematics (0.66). More than 50 percent of every test, excluding Thai language, was found to be ‘difficult’ and ‘too difficult’.


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How to Cite

Chutinuntakul, S. . (2021). The Quality Assessment of Basic Education by Using the Standardized Test for 7th Grade Final Exam 2018. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 49(2), EDUCU4902017.