Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology and the Categorization of Fifth Grade Students’ Academic Achievements Using K-means Clustering Learning Algorithm


  • Khatbanjong, S. Thailand and Centre of Excellence in Mathematics Commission on Higher Education (CHE)
  • Mawan, V. Samsennok Pracharat Anukul School


artificial intelligence AI, learning achievement, clustering learning, K-mean


The objectives of this research are to categorize the academic achievements of student samples into subgroups of excellent, average, or weak, and to categorize their learning achievements in each subject into subgroups of outstanding, fair, or poor.  Thirty-three students from fifth grade at Samsen Nok School (Prachrat Anukul), Khet Din Daeng, Bangkok were sampled during Academic Year 2018. The students were selected using a simple random sampling technique. The research adopted the K-means clustering algorithm, an artificial intelligence (AI) technology, as a tool for data collection. Academically, 11 students were considered excellent, 11 average, and 11 weak. With regard to learning achievement in each subject, the students were categorized as outstanding in four subjects, fair in three subjects, and poor in three subjects. History and Home Economics were the students’ strongest subjects, while English was their poorest subject. Courses in the dominant group, there were 3 courses, and the middle group had 3 courses, and the lower group had 3 courses.


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How to Cite

Khatbanjong, S. ., & Mawan, V. . (2021). Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology and the Categorization of Fifth Grade Students’ Academic Achievements Using K-means Clustering Learning Algorithm. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902015 (11 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.36. Retrieved from