Development Learning Activities Based on a Design Thinking Process and Project Based Learning to Enhance Innovators in Grade 10 Students


  • Klahan, P. Silpakorn University
  • Ponegrn, W. Silpakorn University


learning activity, design thinking, project based learning, Innovator


The purposes of the research were: 1) to develop and test the efficiency of learning activities based on a design thinking method and project-based learning; 2) to evaluate the innovator abilities of students after using learning activities based on a design thinking method and project-based learning; 3) to survey the student’s satisfaction toward learning activities based on a design thinking method and project based learning. The sample was selected by a purpose sampling technique and comprised of 30 grade ten students. The instruments used for gathering data consisted of 1) lesson plans, 2) an innovator abilities evaluation form, 3) a work pieces evaluation form, and 4) a questionnaire. The results of this research were firstly that the efficiency score of learning activities based on a design thinking method and project-based learning enhanced the innovator levels of students in grade ten. The activity leads students to understand problem through the interview people involved in the problems or the situation. Students collaborate, plan working steps, search and analyze the information for exchanging knowledge and experiences. Students apply the information to create a work piece for solving the problem. Consequently, the efficiency score was higher than the expected criterion (80/80). The second result of the research was that student’s innovator abilities were at a good level and student’s work pieces were at a good level. Thirdly, the student’s satisfaction toward learning activities based on a design thinking method and project based learning to enhance the innovator levels of grade ten students was at a very high level.


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How to Cite

Klahan, P. ., & Ponegrn, W. . (2021). Development Learning Activities Based on a Design Thinking Process and Project Based Learning to Enhance Innovators in Grade 10 Students. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902013 (16 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.34. Retrieved from