Key Success Factors of Sustainable Green University


  • Sitthipitaks, M. Chulalongkorn University
  • Tachaphahapong, S. S. Chulalongkorn University
  • Polsaram, P. Chulalongkorn University


key success factors, sustainable green university, sustainability


This study investigates the development of Thai university to Sustainable Green Universities. Data was gathered at Chulalongkorn University from several sources and interviews were undertaken with administrators, directors, and general officers. All information was analysed using content analysis. The results indicate that the key success factors for developing a Sustainable Green University included: (1) clear determination of green university policy or sustainable university policy both on physical infrastructure and awareness among all stakeholders in the university community; (2) public engagement especially from the president and administrative members and the establishment of working teams from all members for implementation through the university policy; (3) determination of key performance indicators and goals, monitoring, and evaluation on projects and activities by using quality processes (Plan-Do-Check-Act); and (4) develop a learning process to create a change agent in every sector of the university community including administrative members, faculties, support units, and students so that they have the knowledge, understanding, awareness, and necessary behaviours regarding environmental issues.


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How to Cite

Sitthipitaks, M. ., Tachaphahapong, S. S. ., & Polsaram, P. . (2021). Key Success Factors of Sustainable Green University. Journal of Education Studies, 49(2), EDUCU4902006 (10 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.27. Retrieved from