Secondary School Management According to the Concept of Developing Transcendental Leadership in Students


  • Sanitklang, D. Chulalongkorn University
  • Xupravati, P. Chulalongkorn University
  • Siribanpitak, P. Chulalongkorn University



secondary school management, transcendental leadership


The purposes of this research were to study the current and desirable states of secondary school management, including the SWOT analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, according to the concept of developing transcendental leadership in students. The study employed a quantitative method research design, and used a sample of 342 secondary public schools, with 10 key informants in each school. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire, and the data were analysed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and PNIModified. The results showed that the current state of secondary school management according to the concept of developing transcendental leadership in students - performed entirely at the high level, while at the highest level for the desirable state. When prioritizing needs with a PNIModified index, student affairs management (PNIModified= 0.195) had a PNIModified index at the high level, which was the weak point, while student council process had a PNIModified index at the higher level than extra-curricular activities (PNIModified= 0.192). At the same time, academic management (PNIModified= 0.188) had a PNIModified at the low level, which was the strong point of secondary school management, according to the concept of developing transcendental leadership in students.


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How to Cite

Sanitklang, D. ., Xupravati , P. ., & Siribanpitak, P. . (2021). Secondary School Management According to the Concept of Developing Transcendental Leadership in Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 49(2), EDUCU4902002.