Competence Promotion of Teacher by Professional Learning Community on Language and Literacy for Early Childhood in Schools under Sonngkhla City Munipality


  • Apiratda Thongkamkaew Thaksin University
  • Chatchaya Rodrahong Thaksin University


learning management on language and literacy, early childhood teacher, professional learning community, early childhood


The purposes of this research were to 1) enhance early-childhood-education teachers with PLC in terms of designing experience, collecting plans and the ability to collect experience, and 2) study the language proficiency of early-childhood, including speaking, listening, reading, writing, and communication skills. The sample groups comprised 1) 3 early-childhood-education teachers from Tessaban 2 (Aon Utit) School and 2) 70 students aged 5-6 from Tessaban 2 (Aon Utit) School who were selected by random sampling. The research tools included 1) an assessment form for the learning management plan, 2) an assessment form for the learning management ability of early-childhood-education teachers with PLC, and 3) an assessment form for the language and literacy proficiency of students along with the observation of students’ work. The average percentage of statistics was used in the research. The results of this research indicated that 1) teachers have the ability to manage learning at a high degree in all indicators, and 2) the language proficiency of students was higher than before learning at 97.1 per cent. The skill that improved the least was connected story-telling at 67.1 per cent.



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How to Cite

Thongkamkaew, A. ., & Rodrahong, C. . (2020). Competence Promotion of Teacher by Professional Learning Community on Language and Literacy for Early Childhood in Schools under Sonngkhla City Munipality. Journal of Education Studies, 48(4), 352–368. Retrieved from