Proposed School Management Strategies to Strengthen the Consciousness and Practices of Students to Reduce Global Warming


  • Sirintip Titipongvanich Chulalongkorn University
  • Pongsin Viseshsiri Chulalongkorn University
  • Pruet Siribanpitak Chulalongkorn University


school management, strengthen the consciousness and practices, global warming


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the framework of strengthening the consciousness and practices of students’ awareness about global warming 2) to study how school management strengthens the consciousness and practices for students well as analyzing weaknesses, opportunities and treats of the management committee.

This mixed method research collected data from 395 primary schools under the office of the Basic Education Commission. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires and the strategic evaluation form to testify feasibility and appropriateness.

The results showed that 1) the framework consists of two school management committees: Academic Affair and General Management committee and the committee to strengthen the consciousness and practices of students to reduce global warming: 2) Generally, the current state of management was considered to be in the middle level (M = 3.349 ). Looking into each aspect, how facility management and learning center effects the consciousness and practices was considered to be in the highest average (M = 3.553). The desirable state of management was performed at a high level (M = 3.839 as a whole). While considering each aspect, facility management and learning center had the high average (M = 3.946). 3) The strength of management was learning and facility environment and school learning center, while the weakness of management was curriculum development, measurement and evaluation and the student affair. The opportunities for management committee were government policy and society. While the threats for management to were the economy and technology.


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How to Cite

Titipongvanich , S. ., Viseshsiri , P. ., & Siribanpitak , P. . (2020). Proposed School Management Strategies to Strengthen the Consciousness and Practices of Students to Reduce Global Warming. Journal of Education Studies, 48(3), 332–348. Retrieved from