Using Education for Human Development: Value of Woman Development in the Lyric of Suntaraporn Songs


  • Amorn Eiamtal Chulalongkorn University
  • Kanniga Sachakul Chulalongkorn University
  • Akhawit Ruengrong Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


woman’s worth, human development, education, Suntaraporn songs


The objective of this article is to study the application of the concept of Development Education to the analysis of women’s worth via the lyrics of Suntaraporn songs during the 2480s (B.E.), an era of nation-building ideology. In total, 13 songs were selected for analysis and lyrics were interpreted through language and social context by using a framework of human development from the perspective of humanities education.

The results of the study showed that Suntaraporn songs during the said period valued the development of women from the perspective of humanities, focusing on providing education to refine a wide range of aspects, including good behavior, courage, patriotism, sacrifice, and being a good wife and mother. In addition, the lyrics reflected the government's nation-building policies, with a significant focus on providing education to enhance the use of culture as a tool to develop and strengthen the nation. In this aspect, women’s worth has been combined with the policies of the era.


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How to Cite

Eiamtal , A. ., Sachakul, K. ., & Ruengrong, A. . (2020). Using Education for Human Development: Value of Woman Development in the Lyric of Suntaraporn Songs. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 342–357. retrieved from