Collaborative Factors of Pracharath School Development: Public-Private Dimension


  • Anutsara Suwanwong Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Sornsiri Voravarn Panyapiwat Institute of Management


collaborative factors, public-private collaboration, Pracharath School


This qualitative research aims to analyze and synthesize key success factors of public-private collaboration of Pracharath school enhancement. There were 36 informants consisting of 12 chief executive officers or working-group committee members of participating private companies, 12 representatives from the Minister of Education and 12 principals of the Pracharath schools. The research instruments were in-depth structured interview and participatory observation. Data were analyzed by using inductive method.

The research findings identified five key success factors of Public-Private collaboration for the enhancement of Pracharath school development: 1) shared active vision and goals, 2) shared resources, 3) community engagement, 4) agile leadership, and 5) support and monitoring systems. Other external environment factors facilitating the collaboration were: political support, social values, and technological progress which led to efficient and effective achievement of the Public-Private collaboration goals.


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How to Cite

Suwanwong, A. ., & Voravarn, S. . (2020). Collaborative Factors of Pracharath School Development: Public-Private Dimension. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 321–341. Retrieved from