Proposal for a Learning Process Using Cognitive Tools in an Infographic Design Approach to Improve Visual Literacy of Undergraduate Art Education Students


  • Siripen Pumahapinyo Chulalongkorn University
  • Praweenya Suwannatthachote Chulalongkorn University
  • Kasemrat Wiwitkunkasem King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang


cognitive tools, infographic design approach, visual literacy, art education students


This mixed method research aims to propose a learning process using cognitive tools in an infographic design approach to improve visual literacy of undergraduate Art Education students. The study was divided into three phases: 1) surveying opinions of 26 Art Education instructors who were selected by a purposive sampling method, 2) surveying opinions of 172 Art Education students who were selected by a multi-stage sampling method, and 3) studying the infographic design approach from related documents and interviewing five experienced infographic designers who have taught in higher education. These infographic designers were selected by a purposive sampling method. The research instruments were a questionnaire and semi-structured interview form. The results revealed that most instructors and students thought Infographics could be used to improve visual literacy. However, more than half of them had no experience with infographics. Based on the result of literature review, the process of teaching infographic design consists of two steps: learner preparation before design, and creating the infographic. Three activities for learner preparation before the design step are 1) review the Visual Communication theory, 2) practice analysis and interpretation of images or visual media, and 3) compare and evaluate infographic works. The four activities comprising the other step are 1) researching and brainstorming, 2) design, 3) review and revision, and 4) publishing.


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How to Cite

Pumahapinyo , S. ., Suwannatthachote , P. ., & Wiwitkunkasem , K. . (2020). Proposal for a Learning Process Using Cognitive Tools in an Infographic Design Approach to Improve Visual Literacy of Undergraduate Art Education Students. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 241–259. retrieved from