Proposed Guidelines for Internal Quality Assurance of Child Care Centers


  • Panjapa Lertwaritnan Chulalongkorn University
  • Udomluck Kulapichitr Chulalongkorn University


proposed guidelines, internal quality assurance, childcare center


The purpose of this research was to study the state of, and propose guidelines for, internal quality assurance of child care centers. The research sample consisted of 214 administrators, 214 infant caregivers and 214 toddler caregivers working in 214 child care centers for infants and toddlers under the Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security. The total number of research samples was 642. The instruments used for collecting data were a questionnaire and questions used for a focus group. The data were analyzed by using frequency and percentages.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The state of internal quality assurance 1) Preparation: Most child care centers had no assigned roles for personnel and no organized Learning Experience Plan 2) Operation: Most child care centers had not implementated a Learning Experience Plan 3) Reporting: Most child care centers were not using Assessment Reports.
  2. The proposed guidelines for internal quality assurance of child care center consist of the following: 1) Preparation: There should be provision for defining the framework of personnel roles, a manual for the preparation of a Learning Experience Plan 2) Operation: Centers should be providing and exchanging knowledge with other organizations 3) Reporting: Centers should be providing training and workshops on preparation of an Annual Assessment Report.


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How to Cite

Lertwaritnan , P. ., & Kulapichitr , U. . (2020). Proposed Guidelines for Internal Quality Assurance of Child Care Centers. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 165–183. Retrieved from