Strategies for Developing Private School Administrators based on the Concept of Digital Citizenship


  • Porz Kraiwin Chulalongkorn University
  • Bancha Chalapirom Chulalongkorn University


developing school administrators, digital citizenship, private school


The research objectives were to 1) study the conceptual framework of digital citizenship and developing school administrators to have digital citizenship; 2) study the current and the desirable states of developing private school administrators based on the concept of digital citizenship; and 3) develop strategies for developing private school administrators based on the concept of digital citizenship. The research applied a mixed method approach. The samples were 252 private schools In Bangkok under The Office of the Private Education Commission. The research instruments were questionnaires and a strategic evaluation form to test the feasibility and appropriateness of the strategies. The data were analyzed by percentages, frequency, means, standard deviations and PNI (modified).                   The results were as follows: 1. The conceptual framework consisted of two aspects: the concept of school management development and that of digital citizenship. 2. The current state of developing private school administrators based on the concept of digital citizenship, as a whole, was at the moderate level (M = 3.414, SD = 0.956), while the desirable state was at the high level (M = 4.147, SD = 0.741). 3. Strategies for developing private school administrators based on the concept of digital citizenship comprised three main strategies: 1) Accelerate development of private school administrators into digital citizen in terms of protecting themselves and others through the use of two substrategies and eight approaches; 2) Elevate the level of private school administrators to embrace digital citizenship in terms of their ability to educate themselves and others, inclulding the adoption of the two substrategies and eight approaches, among others; 3) Encourage school administrators’ digital citizenship in terms of respecting themselves and others, inclulding the use of the two substrategies and eight approaches.


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How to Cite

Kraiwin , P. ., & Chalapirom , B. . (2020). Strategies for Developing Private School Administrators based on the Concept of Digital Citizenship. Journal of Education Studies, 48(2), 147–164. Retrieved from