Effective Marketing Strategies for the Management Private Kindergarten Schools in Bangkok


  • อนงค์นาฏ รัตน์ศิริจันทร์ Eastern Asia University
  • วีระวัฒน์ อุทัยรัตน์ Eastern Asia University




The objectives of this research were to study the components, identify, and evaluate the marketing operation strategy promoting the efficient private kindergarten school management. Population were 1,500 people from 750 private kindergarten schools in the Bangkok Metropolitan consisted of 1 administrator and 1 teacher representative of each school. The research tools were questionnaires, in-depth interview form, and strategy evaluation form. Data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, regression analysis, and content analysis.

The research findings were 1) the components of the marketing operation strategy promoting the efficient private kindergarten school management in the Bangkok Metropolitan consisted of 3 aspects which were customer relationship, advantageous competitiveness, and sale promotion. 2) The marketing operation strategy consisted of 3 strategies which were (1) relationship management, (2) innovation building for advantageous education management, and (3) point of sale (POS) promotion. 3) In overview, the developed marketing operation strategies were at a highest level with low standard deviation of accuracy, possibility, and utility.


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How to Cite

รัตน์ศิริจันทร์ อ., & อุทัยรัตน์ ว. (2019). Effective Marketing Strategies for the Management Private Kindergarten Schools in Bangkok. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 506–518. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232672