An Analysis and Synthesis of Philosophies, Concepts, and Principles of Lifelong Education for Becoming a Learning Community


  • อาชัญญา รัตนอุบล Chulalongkorn University




The objectives of this research are to analyze and synthesize the philosophy, the concept, and the principle of lifelong education for learning community, and also, to present the knowledge of the philosophy, the concept, and the principle of lifelong education for learning community. This research was conducted by document analysis and group discussion of lifelong education experts to evaluate information. The findings are: The philosophy of lifelong education for learning community consists of four aspects: 1. The belief in people and community that they have potential. 2. Learning is the change of the better people and community. 3. People and community can learn well when they get what they need. 4. Learning community can solve the difficulties which occur in the community. The concept of lifelong education for learning community consists of four ideas: 1. People and community are able to learn based on their need and interest 2. People can learn by themselves by using their own means and style 3. Learning can happen in anywhere and anytime and there are no boundaries of learning 4. Learning should respond to people’s need and interest and it should not be against the culture of community and society. The principle of lifelong education for learning community is composed of six principles: 1. principles of learning, 2. principles of benefit-based, 3. principles of thinking and action, 4. principles of leadership, 5. principles of communication, and 6. principles of inside community strength.


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How to Cite

รัตนอุบล อ. (2019). An Analysis and Synthesis of Philosophies, Concepts, and Principles of Lifelong Education for Becoming a Learning Community. Journal of Education Studies, 47(Suppl. 2), 429–445. Retrieved from