Effects of Organization Mathematics Learning Activities Emphasizing on Modeling and Strategy based on Approach of Maynes and Julien-Schultz on Mathematical Knowledge and Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Grade Students


  • ณิชาพร เจริญวานิชกูร Chulalongkorn University
  • ไพโรจน์ น่วมนุ่ม Chulalongkorn University




The purposes of this research were 1) to compare the mathematical knowledge and mathematical problem solving abilities of students between an experimental group and a control group, 2) to compare the mathematical problem solving abilities of the students in the experimental group between, before and after learning, and 3) to study the development of mathematical knowledge and mathematical problem solving abilities of the students in the experimental group. The subjects consisted of 90 eleventh grade students of Sri Ayudhya School in the first semester of academic year 2017. These students were divided into two groups consisting of an experimental group of 44 students and a control group of 46 students. The instruments used for data collection were mathematical knowledge tests, mathematical problem solving abilities tests and worksheets. The data were analyzed by arithmetic mean, standard deviation, t-test and content analysis.

The results of the study revealed that 1) the mathematical knowledge and problem solving abilities of students in the experimental group were higher than those of the students in the control group at a .05 level of significance, 2) the mathematical problem solving abilities of students in the experimental group after learning, were statistically higher than those before at a .05 level of significance, and 3) students in the experimental group gradually improved their mathematical knowledge and mathematical problem solving abilities in all three aspects when comparing before, during, and after being taught.


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How to Cite

เจริญวานิชกูร ณ., & น่วมนุ่ม ไ. (2019). Effects of Organization Mathematics Learning Activities Emphasizing on Modeling and Strategy based on Approach of Maynes and Julien-Schultz on Mathematical Knowledge and Problem Solving Ability of Eleventh Grade Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 47(Suppl. 2), 88–110. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232424