Effects of Instruction Using Visualization of Chemistry Learning Design on Scientific Representations and Attitude towards Learning Chemistry of Upper Secondary School Students


  • โชติกุล รินลา Chulalongkorn University
  • สายรุ้ง ซาวสุภา Chulalongkorn University




This research aimed to 1) study the scientific representations of students by using the visualization of Chemistry learning design, 2) compare students’ scientific representations between a group of students using the visualization of Chemistry learning design and ones using inquiry instruction. 3) study students’ attitude towards learning chemistry by using the visualization of Chemistry learning design. 4) compare students’ attitude towards learning chemistry between two groups, with one using the visualization of Chemistry learning design and the other using inquiry instruction. The samples were grad-10 students. One class of 44 students was used as the experimental group, using the visualization of Chemistry learning design, while another class of 43 students was used as the control group, using inquiry instruction. The research instruments were 1) the scientific representations test with reliability at 0.62, 2) the attitude toward learning chemistry test with reliability of 0.67. The research findings were summarized as follows: 1) The experimental group’s mean score of their scientific representations was rated at a moderate level;  2) The experimental group’s mean score of their scientific representations was higher than control group by a level of .05 significance; 3)The experimental group’s mean score of attitude towards learning chemistry was rated at a good level;  4) The experimental group’s mean score of the attitude toward learning chemistry was higher than control group by a level of .05 significance


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How to Cite

รินลา โ., & ซาวสุภา ส. (2019). Effects of Instruction Using Visualization of Chemistry Learning Design on Scientific Representations and Attitude towards Learning Chemistry of Upper Secondary School Students. Journal of Education Studies, 47(Suppl. 2), 68–87. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232414