Development of Teacher Preparation Process in the Eastern Region of Thailand using Contemplative Education and Coaching Approaches


  • หฤทัย อนุสสรราชกิจ Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • ญาณิศา บุญพิมพ์ Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University




This research aimed to (1) develop the teacher production process in the eastern region of Thailand using contemplative education and coaching approaches, and (2) study the learning outcomes of teacher students in terms of the teacher characteristics and teaching competencies. The research participants were fifty teacher students. This study employed action research. The research consisted of the five steps: (1) study and analyze data on contemplative education and coaching approaches; (2) develop a model of the teacher production process using contemplative education and coaching approaches; (3) operate the process; (4) analyze and evaluate the process; and (5) conclude the research results.

The findings were as follows:

  1. The teacher production process using contemplative education and coaching approaches consisted of the main elements as follows: the concept and the principle of the process, the objective of the process, the strategy of the process, the steps of the process and the evaluation of the process. There were important steps of the process as follows:
    (1) develop understanding through learning management for teacher students and mentors; (2) collaborative learning in institutions of teacher students and mentors; and (3) reflective learning.
  2. The teacher students’ learning outcomes indicated two main issues: (1) teacher characteristics; and (2) the teaching competencies including self-understanding, empathy, perception of teacher profession, and learning management


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How to Cite

อนุสสรราชกิจ ห., & บุญพิมพ์ ญ. (2019). Development of Teacher Preparation Process in the Eastern Region of Thailand using Contemplative Education and Coaching Approaches. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 488–505. Retrieved from