Exploratory Factor Analysis of Formative Leadership of School Directors under the Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • ศรสวรรค์ เรืองวิจิตร Suan Dusit University
  • เหม ทองชัย Suan Dusit University
  • ดวงเนตร ธรรมกุล Suan Dusit University




The objective of this research was to study exploratory factors of formative leadership. The sample comprised 375 school directors under the primary education service area office, using multi-step random methods. The tool used for data collection was the formative leadership questionnaire with the index of correspondence equal to 0.88. Data collection began in January 2018 and the data was analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). The factor was extracted by using the Varimax Orthogonal Axis Rotation technique. Factor analysis of formative leadership among the school directors resulted in 37 non-identity matrix variables. (Bartlett’s test: 2=28487.57, df=666, p=.00-), and the value KMO=0.89. The analysis of variables after Varimax rotation resulted in 10 factors, including 1) Teamwork 2) Leadership 3) Trust 4) Creativity 5) Human resources 6) Service 7) Communication 8) Human relationships 9) Power distribution, and 10) Change management, which had a variance of 95.23 percent. The teamwork factor had the highest variance (44.85 percent) and the change management factor had the lowest variance (2.71 percent). Thus, improvement of formative leadership should consider these 10 factors.


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How to Cite

เรืองวิจิตร ศ., ทองชัย เ., & ธรรมกุล ด. (2019). Exploratory Factor Analysis of Formative Leadership of School Directors under the Primary Educational Service Area Office. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 47(4), 465–487. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/232118