Development of a Conceptual Framework for an Organizational Provision with an Integration Task-Based Approach for English Vocabulary Understanding among Kindergarteners


  • ธัญวรัตน์ โหสุภา Chulalongkorn University
  • วรวรรณ เหมชะญาติ Chulalongkorn University




The purpose of this research was to develop a conceptual framework for an organizational provision with an integration task-based approach for English vocabulary understanding among kindergarteners. The research procedures consisted of reviewing relevant approaches, theories and empirical studies including an organizational provision for kindergarteners and teaching English to young learners with a task-based approach for understanding vocabulary among kindergarteners and former empirical studies. The research findings illustrate a conceptual framework that combines three steps of the instruction:
1) opening experience: recalling kindergartener’s prior knowledge about vocabulary by talking or playing a game; 2) expanding on previous experience: introducing new knowledge and encouraging kindergarteners to do English vocabulary tasks; and 3) summarizing: concluding the concepts of units and vocabulary by asking questions. The evaluation items for English vocabulary understanding consisted of 1) connecting pictures or objects with English vocabulary (listening), and 2) connecting English vocabulary with pictures or objects (speaking). The developed conceptual framework will be implemented based on the effects of the organizational provision with an integration task-based approach for English vocabulary understanding among kindergarteners in schools under the Department of Education Bangkok Metropolitan Administration.


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How to Cite

โหสุภา ธ., & เหมชะญาติ ว. (2019). Development of a Conceptual Framework for an Organizational Provision with an Integration Task-Based Approach for English Vocabulary Understanding among Kindergarteners. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 228–248. Retrieved from