Democratic Skill Development for Young Children: A Survey Research


  • จีระพันธุ์ พูลพัฒน์ Suan Dusit University
  • จิราพร รอดพ่วง Suan Dusit University




The objectives of this survey research were: 1) to study the young children’s characteristics which lead to the democratic skills development and 2) to study the ways to develop the democratic skills in the school. The 207 samples composed of administrators, kindergarten teachers, lecturers and students from the early childhood education program were asked to complete the questionnaires. The frequency, percentage, means and standard deviation were used to analyze the data.

The results indicated that: 1) the importance of the democratic characteristics leading to democratic skills were found at the high and the highest levels; the first important characteristic is the respect of one’s own right and the others, the second is the respect of the agreement, rules and regulations as well as participating in group working and learning from the group. 2) The proposed guidelines to develop the democratic skills in the school were ranked at the highest level of appropriateness. The first most appropriate one is integrating through play and direct experience from hand-on activities in order to help children to understand and absorb the skills. The other way is the cultivation of ethics, consciousness and self-discipline in daily activities depending on occasions and ages, allowing young children to think together and to give a reasonable explanation in making agreements in the classroom and respecting the agreements, rules and regulations.


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How to Cite

พูลพัฒน์ จ., & รอดพ่วง จ. (2019). Democratic Skill Development for Young Children: A Survey Research. Journal of Education Studies, 47(4), 124–144. Retrieved from