Development of an Instructional Process Based on Mathematical Modeling and Scaffolding Approaches to Enhance Mathematical Problem Solving and Representation Abilities of Lower Secondary School Students
The objectives of this research were 1) to develop instructional process based on mathematical modeling and scaffolding approaches and 2) to study the quality of instructional process based on mathematical modeling and scaffolding approaches. The target group were 7th to 9th graders in demonstration schools under the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) within Bangkok. Samples composed of 64 Mathayom 2 (the 8th grade) students from Chulalongkorn University Demonstration School: 32 in the experimental group and 32 in the control group. The experimental time were 24 periods of class in 12 weeks. There are 2 stages in the process, namely 1) development of instructional process based on mathematical modeling and scaffolding approaches 2) experiment of the teaching process. Research tools were the mathematical problem solving ability test and the mathematical representation ability test. Data were analysis by using arithmetic mean, standard deviation and t-test.
The findings were as follows:
- The developed instructional process comprised of 5 steps: 1) proposing problems of interest, 2) determining the target and creating mathematical modeling, 3) solving the problem and referring the results to the real world environment, 4) evaluating the model and verifying the model, 5) extending the idea to new situations.
- After the experiment, the experimental group had higher problem solving ability and mathematical representation ability than those of the control group at .05 significant level.
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