An Academic Management Model of the Secondary School under the Office of Basic Education Commission to Promote Analytical Thinking Ability Development of Learners


  • เกียรติศักดิ์ สาสุทธิ์ Eastern Asia University
  • วีระวัฒน์ อุทัยรัตน์ Eastern Asia University




The purposes of this research were to study the components, identify, and evaluate the academic management model of the secondary school under the Office of Basic Education Commission to promote an analytic thinking ability development of learners. Populations were 2,287 secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission from 42 areas. Informants were school directors or deputy director in academic affairs from 377 schools. Research tools were questionnaire, in-depth interview, and model evaluation form. Regression analysis was used to analyze the data.

            The results showed that: 1) the components of an academic management of the secondary schools under the Office of Basic Education Commission to promote analytic thinking ability development of learners consisted of 6 major components: curriculum and curriculum implementation, education assurance, importance analysis, relational analysis, and principle analysis. 2) There were 3 academic management models to promote an analytic thinking ability development of learners including the curriculum and its application model, the learning and teaching management model, and the education assurance model. These were sets of concepts, objectives, processes, and factors of success under processing framework of planning, operating, and feedbacking in order to achieve an academic management for an analytic thinking ability development of learners. 3) In overview, academic management models was accurate, possible, and useful at the highest level


Author Biographies

เกียรติศักดิ์ สาสุทธิ์, Eastern Asia University

Ph.D. Candidate in Educational Administration and Leadership for Change Division, Eastern Asia University

วีระวัฒน์ อุทัยรัตน์, Eastern Asia University

Lecturer in Graduate School, Eastern Asia University



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How to Cite

สาสุทธิ์ เ., & อุทัยรัตน์ ว. (2019). An Academic Management Model of the Secondary School under the Office of Basic Education Commission to Promote Analytical Thinking Ability Development of Learners. Journal of Education Studies, 47(3), 82–97. Retrieved from