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The objectives of this research were 1) investigate the congruence of the Structure Equation Model of Synergistic Leadership for basic school administrators with the empirical data 2) test measurement invariance of the Structure Equation Model of Synergistic Leadership for basic school administrators with the different size of schools and 3) study factors synergistic leadership of basic school administrators. The multi-stage random sampling were 966 administrators of educational institutions the Office of the Basic Education Commission. The research instruments applied for data gathering were an in-depth interview form and a questionnaire which its reliability was 0.92. The data were analyzed in the forms of descriptive and inferential statistics and Mplus program.
The structural equation model of synergistic leadership of the basic school administrators by the researcher showed a goodness-of-fit with statistical data as follows: = 109.173, df = 91, p-value = .0942,
/df = 1.199, CFI = .998, TLI = .996, RMSEA = .016, SRMR = .023.
Organization structure had the highest total influence on synergistic leadership of basic school administrators of 0.654, leadership behavior of 0.607, belief, attitude and value of 0.364 and extrinsic motivation of 0.314 respectively. It found that there was significantly difference at .01 level. All the four factors, which are the causes, were 78.90% explained the synergistic leadership of basic school administrators. The invariance test of the model showed that there was invariant among the different sizes of schools.
Application guidelines for the factors influenced synergistic leadership for basic school administrators consist of 1) Organization Structure with 5 ways, namely 1) personnel are involved in decision-making 2) organizational structure and task assignment based on personnel knowledge 3) decentralize and free the workgroups 4) promote teamwork and 5) create a collaborative network to improve the quality of education. 2) Leadership behavior with 6 ways, namely 1) qualitative vision of participation and use of diverse information in decision making 2) effective communication skills 3) skills in adaptive learning and innovation 4) believe the personnel and inspire 5) flexible and caring staff and 6) be a role model.