A Structure Equation Model of Coaching Leadership Affecting the Teacher Efficiency of Teacher in the School under Khon Kean Provincial Administrative Organization

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Sirisak Phuthongchan
Saowanee Sirisooksilp


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the level of teaching leadership and teaching Efficiency of teachers in the school under Khon Kean Provincial Administrative Organization.2) investigate the congruence of A Structure Equation Model of Coaching Leadership Affecting the Teaching Efficiency of Teacher in the School under Khon Kean Provincial Administrative Organization with empirical data. This research is the Descriptive Research. The population in this study was 493 teachers in the school. Under the Khon Kaen Provincial Administration Organization, academic year 2016. The sample sizes were 360 people using the multi-stage sampling. Research tool was rating scale with reliability of 0.93. The data was analyzed in the forms of descriptive statistic and M-Plus program.

The results were as follows;

  1. The Coaching leadership level in the school under Khon Kean Provincial Organization was in the high level and the highest factor was the Positive feedback.

  2. The Teaching Efficiency level in the school under Khon Kean Provincial Organization was in the high level and the highest factor was the Lesson depth and clarity.

  3. The Structure Equation Model of Coaching Leadership Affecting the Teaching Efficiency of Teacher in the School under Khon Kean Provincial Administrative Organization was fit with empirical data.

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How to Cite
S. Phuthongchan and S. Sirisooksilp, “A Structure Equation Model of Coaching Leadership Affecting the Teacher Efficiency of Teacher in the School under Khon Kean Provincial Administrative Organization ”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 95–101, Jun. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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