Factors Affecting Tactile Pictures Understanding of Students with Visual Impairment in Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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Chontida Promsopa
Issavara Sirirungruang
Wireman Niyomphol


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the students with visual impairment’s comprehension of tactile graphics; 2) to study factors affecting students with visual impairment’s tactile graphics comprehension and; 3) to propose the guideline for the production of tactile graphics for students with visual impairment. The sample of this study was 10 high-school students with visual impairment. Instruments used were tactile graphics including: a simple line graph, a 2-line graph, a sphere and a cylinder, a solar system, a map of Southeast Asia; a questionnaire regarding factors affecting tactile graphic comprehension; a time expenditure for touching tactile graphic form; and an observation guideline on the tactile graphic reading behaviors of students with visual impairment.
Results indicated that students with adventitious visual impairment could comprehend tactile graphics 3.21 minutes faster than students with congenital visual impairment. Students with adventitious visual impairment took the average time of 6.40 minutes to comprehend tactile graphics whilst those with congenital visual impairment took average 10.01 minutes. Besides, experiences and practices were essential to the deftness in students with visual impairment’s tactile graphics comprehension.
Results from the observation of students with visual impairment’s tactile graphics reading behaviors showed that; in all 5 tactiles graphics, students would start to explore the graphics by using their right hand in the first reading of the graphics. They would read the graphics from left to right side of the graphics and then right to left. If they could not tell what the particular graphics were, they would use both hands to read the graphics. They would explore the overview of the graphics from top to bottom and left to right. Then, they would read the title of the graphics and explore the details of the graphics again.

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How to Cite
C. Promsopa, I. Sirirungruang, and W. Niyomphol, “Factors Affecting Tactile Pictures Understanding of Students with Visual Impairment in Bangkok Metropolitan Area”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 1–11, Dec. 2020.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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