The Development of English Writing Ability of Grade 9 Students Using CIPPA Model with PWIM

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Khachaporn Boonpan
Siribhong Bhiasiri


The purposes of this study were to develop English writing ability of grade 9 students using CIPPA model with PWIM with the condition that an average score of all students should be at least
70 percent of the total scores and at least 70 of the total numbers of the students must reach the prescribed criterion and to investigate the students’ satisfaction towards instruction using CIPPA model with PWIM. The target group comprised 20 grade 9 studentsat Wat Suthapotch School, Ladkrabang District, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The collected data were analyzed by calculating for percentage, mean and standard deviation The findings were as follows. The finding of the students’ English writing ability showed that an average score of all students was 31.80 or 79.50 percent of the total scores and 15 students or 75 percent of the total numbers of the students reached the prescribed criterion. The finding of the students’ satisfaction towards instruction using CIPPA model with PWIM
revealed that an average satisfaction score was at the high level. When considering each aspect of
satisfaction, content was the most highly satisfied. The average scores of satisfaction of learning and
teaching activities and teacher aspects.

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How to Cite
K. Boonpan and S. Bhiasiri, “The Development of English Writing Ability of Grade 9 Students Using CIPPA Model with PWIM”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 1–8, Jun. 2018.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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