The Result of Art Learning Management of Sculpture from Natural Materials with Project-Based Learning for Grade 9 Students

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Somporn Wongarmart
Wacharin Sriraksa


The objectives of this studying were  1) to study the result of art learning management in sculpture from Natural materials with project-based learning, which required students to have average score not less than 70% and more than 70% of all students were required to pass the assigned criteria, 2) to study grade 9 students’ satisfaction towards the learning of art learning management in sculpture from natural materials with project-based learning for grade 9 students in Ban Nong Pan School, Mancha Khiri district Khonkaen province who studies in the second semester of academic year 2017, the classroom consisted of 19 students. This research using the model of Pre - Experimental Research (One-shot case study). The instruments used in this research included with the lesson plan of project-based learning which consist 9 lesson plans, performance evaluation form, student’s project work evaluation form  and student satisfaction survey The statistical analysis  Percentage , mean, and standard deviation.The study showed that  1.  Students. Students got an average point 26.77 from 100 score or equal to 80.32 percent, 19 students or equal to 100 percent were pass the assigned criteria. 2.  Students had satisfaction after learning sculpture from natural materials by using Project-Based Learning for grade 9 Students which show the highest satisfaction at 4.79.  The result was reported their satisfaction at highest level.

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How to Cite
S. Wongarmart and W. Sriraksa, “The Result of Art Learning Management of Sculpture from Natural Materials with Project-Based Learning for Grade 9 Students”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 149–156, Mar. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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