The Approach of Scientific Learning to the Outcomes of Sciences Learning to the First Class of Visual Impairment Students In SDLB-A YPAB Tegalsari Surabaya

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Isna Walidah
Zykra Zakiah
Suhardini Intikasari


The visual impairment had impact to academic ability of students with visual impairment.  one of them to science, It caused the result of students learning less satisfied. To solve the problem required innovations in learning, one of them by applying the approach step of learning scientific to teaching-learning process. The purpose of this research was to know whether there or not influence of learning scientific approach toward learning result of science to the first class of students with visual impairment in SDLB-A YPAB Tegalsari Surabaya.

            The method used in this research was quantitative and the type of research was sign test with “one group pre-test – post-test design”. The data collection method used oral test and observation, the data analysis technique used statistic non parametric with willcoxon formula.

            The research result indicated that the average value result of pretest was 30 and post- test was 83,33. The result of data analysis indicated Zh value (2,20) and Z table 5% (1,96) so the interpretation was Zh>Zt. So it could be concluded that Ho was accepted it meant that there was influence of learning scientific approach toward learning science result to the first class of students with visual impairment in SDLB-A YPAB Tegalsari Surabaya

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How to Cite
I. Walidah, Z. Zakiah, and S. Intikasari, “The Approach of Scientific Learning to the Outcomes of Sciences Learning to the First Class of Visual Impairment Students In SDLB-A YPAB Tegalsari Surabaya”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 85–95, Mar. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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