The Influence of Scramble Method on Arranging Sentence Ability of Deaf Students 5th Class Special Education Elementary School Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo

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Eryana Fatimasari Retno Budiati
Karolina Emilia Indut


Arranging sentence is an ability to arrange and write words into sentence which consist of subject, verb and complement, so that it can be understood by other people. If the disturbance of arranging sentence for deaf students is not handled, it will cause the message they deliver is not clear and understandable. The deaf students is a child who experienced a lack or loss of hearing ability due to damage or malfunction in part or all of their hearing instruments that have an impact on our daily lives, especially in the mastery of language and communication, either with or without the use of hearing aids.  The goal of this research is to investigate whether there is influence of scramble method on arranging sentence ability of deaf students of fifth class of special education elementary school Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo or not.

This research used Pre-Experimental Design with one group Pre-Test and Post-Test. This was conducted in 8 meetings with 6 introversions. The data were collected by using test and documentation. The test was analysed by using non parametric statistics with sign test. This showed that there is improving score of deaf students ability on arranging sentence in the pre test which is 69,16 and 94,16 in post-test.

The result of research analysed by sign test showed that Zh = 2,05 > Z table = 1,96 with its 5% level significance (both side test). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is significant the influence of scramble method on arranging sentence ability of deaf students of fifth class of special education elementary school Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo

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How to Cite
E. F. R. Budiati and K. E. Indut, “The Influence of Scramble Method on Arranging Sentence Ability of Deaf Students 5th Class Special Education Elementary School Dharma Wanita Sidoarjo”, EDGKKUJ, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 47–60, Mar. 2019.
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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