School Leadership and Administration in the Present Situation


  • Benjawon Sarikul Doctoral of Education (Educational Administration and Management) Srinakharinwirot University


Leadership, School Administrators, Current Situation


This academic article to study of the roles of school leadership and administration in the current situation. The researcher has synthesized the theory of the importance of leadership. Educational Leadership Theory Concepts, Theoretical concepts and roles of school leadership in the current situation. This study found that the current situation is changing rapidly. School administrators need strong leadership. Have the ability to adapt to changes in order to lead the vision of school development. Therefore, educational leadership in the current situation must consist of: 1) being ready for lifelong learning 2) having up-to-date strategic ideas 3) being ready in academic leadership Technology and innovation as well as morality and ethics. The results of this study will serve as a guideline for school administration in the midst of current changes. The rapid growth of technology and innovation so that administrators can drive the school's mission appropriately and carefully in accordance with the situation amidst the current changes.

Author Biography

Benjawon Sarikul, Doctoral of Education (Educational Administration and Management) Srinakharinwirot University

Doctoral of Education (Educational Administration and Management) Srinakharinwirot University


