The Development of an Educational Game to Promote English Language Communication Skills on Giving Directions for First-year Vocational Certificate Students at Samchuk Ratanaphokaram School

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Sirithiti Sorahong
Sirapat Juntamongkol


The objectives of this research are as follow: 1) to develop an educational game to promote English Language communication skills, specifically focusing on giving directions for first-year vocational certificate students at Samchuk ratanaphokaram School. 2) to compare the communication skills in real-life English language classes of students taught using traditional methods (control group) with those taught using the educational game (experimental group). 3) to study the feedback on the educational game for teaching directional language in English language classes from students. The sample group consists of first-year vocational certificate students from Samchuk Rattanaphokaram School, second semester, academic year 2023, totaling 40 individuals. The simple random sampling method was used to divide them into two groups: experimental and control, through randomization. The research tools include the educational game for promoting communication skills, specifically giving directions, and a test measuring learning outcome regarding directional language. This test consists of 20 multiple-choice questions. Statistical analysis used in this research includes mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research found that there was a significant improvement in learning outcomes for students taught using the educational game to promote English language communication skills, specifically in giving directions. The experimental group outperformed the control group, with the post-test scores showing a statistically significant difference (t=7.31, Sig.=.00). Additionally, the experimental group expressed significantly higher satisfaction with learning English through the educational game (X̅ = 4.43, S.D.=0.19).

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How to Cite
Sorahong, S., & Juntamongkol, S. (2024). The Development of an Educational Game to Promote English Language Communication Skills on Giving Directions for First-year Vocational Certificate Students at Samchuk Ratanaphokaram School. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 6(2), 40–53. retrieved from
Research Articles


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