Guidelines for the Development of Interpretation Signs for Tourists in A Natural History Museum, Pathum Thani Province

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Paphada Suebplai
Songkran Klomsook
Saowaluk Sudprasert
Sujin Sukapong


The aim of this research was two-fold: 1) to examine tourists' perceptions of interpretive signage in the PTT Museum of Natural Science, Pathum Thani Province, and 2) to propose guidelines for improving interpretive signage in the same museum. A mixed methods research approach was employed, with a sample group comprising 400 Thai tourists who visited the museum, museum staff, and 5 experts in media design. Accidental sampling was used for tourists, while purposive sampling was employed for museum staff and experts. Data were collected using a questionnaire assessing the tourists' perceptions of interpretive signage, with a reliability coefficient of 0.90, and an interview form to gather insights on improving the signage. Quantitative data analysis included the percentage (%), mean (gif.latex?\bar{x}), and standard deviation (S.D.), while qualitative data were analyzed through informal content analysis of interview responses. The research findings concluded that 1) tourists' perceptions of interpretive signage in the museum ranged from moderate to high suitability, with font size and color clarity perceived most favorably, followed by signage boards and structures, and the use of high-quality, durable materials, and 2) guidelines for improving interpretive signage in the museum encompassed five key areas: 1) image size on signage, 2) signage placement, 3) quantity of text on signage, 4) font size on signage, and 5) signage maintenance.

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How to Cite
Suebplai, P., Klomsook, S., Sudprasert, S., & Sukapong, S. (2024). Guidelines for the Development of Interpretation Signs for Tourists in A Natural History Museum, Pathum Thani Province. RMUTK Journal of Liberal Arts, 6(1), 12–24. Retrieved from
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