The Attitudes of Adolescents in Chiang Rai Province towards Individuals with Gender Diversity
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The current situation reflects increased openness and acceptance of gender diversity, although it may not true acceptance. This has led to the discrimination and prejudice against people of gender diversity. The objectives of the study are; 1) to study the adolescents in Chiang Rai province towards individuals with gender diversity; 2) to compare the attitudes of adolescents in Chiang Rai province towards individuals with gender diversity, categorized by personal factors.; and 3) to compare the attitudes of adolescents in Chiang Rai province towards individuals with gender diversity, categorized by the level of self-identity acceptance. The research sample consists of adolescents aged 18 – 21 in the registration records of the Mueang district, Chiang Rai province, with a total of 400 individuals randomly selected using an accidental sampling method. Data were collected through online questionnaire with a reliability level of .841 to .924. The statistics for data analysis include frequency distribution, percentage (%), mean (), standard deviation (S.D.), t-test and one-way ANOVA. The findings indicate that; 1) Overall, adolescents in Chiang Rai province exhibit a significantly positive attitude towards individuals with gender diversity (mean = 2.54, S.D. = .9625); 2) Adolescents with personal factors such as gender, sexual identity, age, marital status, education level, and religion differ significantly in the attitudes towards individuals with gender diversity people with a statistical significance of .05; 3) Adolescents in Chiang Rai with different levels of self-identity acceptance also show statistically significant differences in their attitudes towards individuals with gender diversity people with a statistical significance of .05.
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